Saturday, April 30, 2022

OCAF & GWS watercolor workshop

Transparent Watercolor on Paper and experimenting with Mixed Water Media on Yupo, a workshop by Mark Mehaffey.  This workshop was offered as part of the 2022 Georgia Watercolor Society's National Exhibition held at OCAF.

It was three day zoom workshop.  During the workshop he provided us with information on his painting methods and techniques.  We were able to ask questions and share our work-in-progress for critique and assistance.  We looked at some of Mark's paintings as part of our discussion.  I would describe the paintings as abstracted realism.  We spent time on planning our paintings.  Using exercises to help us develop the relationship of the shapes, color values.  I learned a lot from the workshop.  

Value studies:

The first watercolor painting was done on heavy watercolor paper with two coats of gesso.  This treatment adds texture and allows easy lifting of paint.  To preserve the paint a sealing coat is sprayed on the painting.  I used a photo of the Grand Tetons from a trip several years ago as my reference.  

This watercolor was done on Yupo, a plastic paper that allows paint to easily flow across the surface.  Paint can also be quickly removed with water.  To preserve the paint a sealing coat is sprayed on the painting.  These are total abstracts.  

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Having Fun with Plein Air

For this OCAF class a small group of plein air artists ventured out to some beautiful  local gardens to sketch and paint.  We all gathered at the appointed location in the morning.   We started with a brief introduction by the garden owners.   Then spread out across the garden, each looking for an inspiration to paint.  While we were painting the instructor Jack Burk moved around asking us about our painting plan and making helpful suggestions.  

Plein air items I brought to the gardens:

  • 3 legged folding chair
  • Drawing board
  • Watercolor paper
  • Watercolor travel pack with watercolor paints, water brushes, eraser, pencil, etc.
  • Water bottle for me to drink
  • Sun/rain hat
One of the gardens was very well landscaped and had some lovely garden art.  I chose to paint a metal bird that was lit by the morning sun.

We visited a historic working farm that had walled gardens and beautiful old buildings and trees.  An old tire swing beyond one of the older wooden buildings caught my eye.  It reminded me of a painting done by Teresa Dean that featured a tire swing in the front yard of a farm house.

The sky was overcast, but the sun was beginning to break through.  The light was lighting up the tops of the grass and tree tops in the distance.