Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Watercolor retreat day 2

After a wonderful breakfast we started working on the next exercise.  An egret flying over the marsh.  I started by painting the sky and water, the colors are reflections of each other. Then painted the shadows on the bird.  The shadows have shades of color from the water (blue to purple) and sun (pink to yellow).  

When the painting was dry, I masked the bird and painted the marsh, adding yellows and greens to develop depth and distinguish the dry areas of the marsh (yellow to brown) from the wet ones (shades of yellow green).   This was done wet, letting the colors mix.

I masked part of the foreground of the marsh and continued to darken areas of the marsh and painted the distant trees.  Once the painting was dry I removed the masking.  The masked areas of the march now stand out as lighter colored grass blades.  I completed painting the bird, and adding some final shadows to the marsh and tree line.

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